

We are in need of more people to pray for M.E. sufferers, especially as our trustee David Laker has passed away.  David did much of the praying.  Please contact us if you’d like to pray.


Are you an M.E. sufferer who would like prayer?

If so, please contact us at  We would like to know how long you’ve had M.E. for and what specifically you’d like prayer for e.g. pain relief, better mobility etc. We will then pray for you at the next Grace Prayers (below) which takes place each month. If your prayer request is an emergency, let us know this so we can get others to pray for you as soon as possible.

Please let us know how you are after we’ve prayed for you. 

For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.  – Matthew 18:20  NIV


Praying for others

If you would like to pray for M.E. sufferers, contact us at and we will send you one or two names of sufferers who want prayer. If you like, we can send out prayer cards to you with names of sufferers on.

Privacy assurance: The Grace Charity for M.E. will only use email and postal addresses for the purpose of the prayer cards and these details will not be given out for any other reason.


Holyway by Greg and Linda Crowhurst is a creative site full of prayers and spiritual writings. Linda has profoundly severe M.E. and Greg is her husband and carer. Linda has a blog at  Holy Way (  Linda and Greg have kindly allowed a recent book to be downloaded for free: Prayers For Healing, Hope and Miracles ( 


Karen (updated January 2025) 

Please keep a lady called Karen in your prayers. Karen has been unable to eat and drink for over 30 years. She has TPN at home (Total Parental Nutrition) which is IV feeding going straight into the bloodstream. Her particular needs are for specialist carers, her catheter to stop blocking and the great need to put on weight because a drug which previously helped has been stopped. Karen also requests prayer that she would not get an infection or blockage in her PICC line which is a tube going to her heart. Karen has had severe M.E. for many years, suffers very severe pain and also has Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. She has weakened since catching Covid. 

Please also pray for Karen’s family as they have their own health struggles.  



Please pray for Juliet who has extreme Electro Sensitivity. Recently, a new 5G transmitter has been installed near her door causing her agony. She needs somewhere safe, warm and free of wifi. Juliet needs to avoid all wifi, 4G & 5G, including smartphones.  Please pray for her healing and more permanent, satisfactory accommodation. Thank you.



Please pray for Janet, for healing of her pain, relief of isolation and loneliness. Also, for better, more understanding carers. Thank you. 


Future Graceprayers: February 9th 2025; March 30th 2025

Graceprayers is a monthly service, where we invite others to join in from afar.  We thank you for your prayers on behalf of ourselves, and for the sufferers and carers who contact us. We tend to start at 3pm. 


Graceprayers February 9th 2025


God’s love for us

Charity comes from the Greek word AGAPE; some of us are used to hearing the phrase ‘agape-love’. Whilst it’s good to experience the human loves of affection, friendship and eros, the ‘highest’ love is definitely the best love of all: this is the divine love of charity/agape. It helps us to love unlovable people but only God can enable us to do that. It’s also the love He demonstrated for the world as He sacrificed His life for everyone on the cross.

‘This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.’ 1 John 3 :16


Open in prayer I gave my Son for you, I cried those tears of pain with him, I held him gently in my arms. I loved him back to life. For I am the One who loves, I love you all, I love you always. For I am the One who loves in spite of all the pain. Amen. (From Living in the Heart of Love by Linda and Greg Crowhurst, 2017  


Hymn   Come Down O Love Divine Hymn 137 – Come down, o Love divine – YouTube sung by the parish of Chingford, 2020 


Scriptures John 3 v.16-21 ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, …’

Jeremiah 31 vs. 1-3 ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love…’


Hymn Jesus how lovely you are Jesus, How Lovely You Are; You Are So Gentle Song Lyrics Video – Divine Hymns – YouTube


Emergency prayer requests  Please pray for Sharon who is being force fed in hospital, causing her M.E. abdominal pain to worsen. The hospital in Bristol does not believe that M.E. is a physical illness and Sharon is suffering much ‘gaslighting ’.  Please pray that her home is fixed with better phone and internet connections; that she has a better GP and her wheelchair fixed; that she gets night and day care and more people to help her. Thank you.

Please continue to pray for Karen Gordon, a young woman with severe M.E. in hospital who is being deprived adequate hydration and nutrition. Please sign her family’s petition:

Petition · Save Karen Gordon from Dying of Malnutrition and Dehydration due to NHS Failings. – United Kingdom ·

Also for Carla Naoum, a severe and vulnerable M.E. sufferer. Please pray Carla has better treatment in hospital.


Recent prayer requests Please continue to pray for Linda and Greg: for quiet neighbours and that jets cease flying over their home. Linda has extreme noise sensitivity which triggers paralysis. Please pray that the Lord will heal Linda from the noise sensitivity, severe chemical sensitivity, paralysis, migraines, disabling catarrhal problems. Also, that she doesn’t need a further operation on her eye.

We continue to pray for Jacqui, asking that she knows God’s love and care. Please pray for healing of her symptoms of POTS and severe pain, from both M.E. and other abdominal pain. Please pray for quiet neighbours in the flats where she lives. Please also pray for peace, strength and healing in Jacqui’s life; a quiet place to live and good carers and GP for her. Please also pray for Sue, a severe M.E. sufferer, who has been badly treated by her local council. She is afraid of eviction so please pray she stays where she is and is protected from harm. Thank you.


Scripture  Lamentations 3 vv.21 -26   vv.55 -58 God helping us when we are overwhelmed.


Persistent prayers This is when we pray for a number of M.E. sufferers on an ongoing basis who need a deeper level of persistent prayer for the circumstances in their lives.


Prayer for M.E. researchers, doctors and M.E. politics Please pray for all M.E. researchers and doctors who bravely work towards the truth of M.E.: for their safety, protection and continuing of their valuable work without hindrance. Please especially pray for Dr. Sarah Myhill, that she can expose the prejudice of the GMC towards her. Give thanks that the World Health Organisation’s entry of M.E. is still being kept as neurological. Please pray that fibromyalgia is better classified by the WHO.  Also, pray for those who persecute M.E. sufferers, that they would come to accept the truth. Please sign the petition to change the book Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine, which has unkind and unscientific teaching about ME/CFS:


Prayer for each other and anyone else who comes to mind Give thanks that John has had a good report about the prostate cancer. For the time being, he only needs an MRI scan in a year’s time. Praise God. Please pray also for Catherine’s colitis which has gone on for almost 20 years now.  We give thanks for God’s strength through it all. Please continue to pray for peaceful neighbours around us.


Hymn God is love His the care  God is Love, His the Care (Tune: Personent Hodie – 3vv & chorus) [with lyrics for congregations] (  by Chet Valley Churches




‘For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, not height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ Romans 8 v.38-39  Amen.



 [Scripture quotations (unless stated otherwise) are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, published by Harper Collins publishers copyright 2001 by Crossways Bible, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.]

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