Welcome to the Grace Charity for M.E.

Welcome to the Grace Charity for M.E.



Petition · ME/CFS: Changing the Definition · Change.org

For more details, go to Projects page under Kumar and Clark.


THE GRACE CHARITY FOR M.E. [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis] is based in Kent, England.  We were approved for charity status in November 2006, and are based on Christian prayer. However, we want to help M.E. sufferers of any faith, or of no faith at all.

It’s still necessary to promote M.E. awareness because sufferers and their carers still receive little recognition of this illness.  In addition, a current lack of governmental support into biomedical research is not helping to find a medical cure.



For M.E. sufferers thinking about vaccines, including the Covid19 vaccines, there are some points to consider, especially as M.E. may be triggered or worsened by them:  COVID19 HELP.

We have compiled some documents on the DOCUMENTS page:  “Saying No Can Be Positive” which empowers sufferers who wish to refuse psychological therapies.  This paper may also help sufferers to maintain or obtain state benefits e.g., ESA (Employment and Support Allowance, formerly Incapacity Benefit) and care support via Social Services, through knowing their legal rights.

There is a Hospital Booklet, designed for both staff and sufferers, for use when a sufferer is admitted to hospital.

There is also a Dental Leaflet, with information for M.E. sufferers and their dentists.

For those considering becoming a patient at the Kent & Medway CFS/ME service (clinic) based at Maidstone Hospital, there is some information you should probably read first on the Kent GPs & Patients page.

We’ve produced a paper entitled ‘Knowledge in the hope of protecting M.E. sufferers from unnecessary sectioning’ in DOCUMENTS page.

We have compiled a Treatment Survey with both positive and negative feedback about treatments from sufferers. Please go to the SURVEY page for these results.  This survey is ongoing, so please take part in it.

Also, a warning about the Liverpool Care Pathway, still practised today on the vulnerable as End of Life Care, with a booklet, No Hydration No Life, and a helpful letter for next-of-kin (see Hazel & the LCP).

There is an ART GALLERY of original works for your enjoyment.


Please note: we DO NOT promote or encourage GET (Graded Exercise Therapy) or CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) for M.E. sufferers.  Neither do we promote the Lightning Process, Mickel Therapy, or the Reverse Therapy.  However, we DO PROMOTE a biomedical perspective of M.E.


Please pray for our work, and for those who suffer from M.E., and for their carers.


Donate If you wish to make a donation, please click here.


Bishop Graham Cray
The Rt Hon Ann Widdecombe
†Jennifer Rees Larcombe

Medical Adviser

Professor Malcolm Hooper


Catherine Ashenfelter
John Ashenfelter
†David Laker

Disclaimer: Although our intentions are to help M.E. sufferers, the Grace Charity does not accept responsibility for any treatments, therapies, programmes, or practitioners that may appear on this website.